Green Cameroon Launches Two New Projects

To continue its conservation work and improve the lives of community members, Green Cameroon’s team, last week, was down in the Community of Bokoko to meet with the chiefs, Village Traditional Councils and other representative to discuss the implementation modalities for the two projects and conditions for benefiting. We will be bringing you regular updates on the progress of these two baby projects as time goes on.

Hope From The Farm

Hope From The FarmHope from the farm is a project that aims at using agriculture as a means of fighting the high level of youth unemployment, high crime rates, high dependency ratio and rural exodus that is taking place in communities of the Mount Cameroon Forest Region. The project will encourage youths to get involved in agricultural activities and show them that farming can be a major source of income if practices and embraced in a serious and systematic way.Through the project, Some 100 youths from ten village communities of the Mount Cameroon forest region will be supported in setting up farms of some highly demanded local economic crops such as Plantains, Cassava and Yams.

Support through this project will come in forms of training, seed and equipment. Youths who are willing to embrace agriculture as their main source of livelihood will be identified, recruited trained on economic and sustainable farming methods and upon completion of the training, they will be expected to allocate a piece of land not less than one hectare where they will cultivate any of the chosen three crops in large scale. Considering the high demand for these crops it is a known fact that a hectare plantation of any of them would be enough to provide for the immediate family needs of these youths with prospects of savings and expansion.

Adopt A Tree


Cameroon faces heavy environmental problems such as climate change, deforestation and desertification. Through this project, local communities can plant trees in order to fight deforestation and to enable them to make a living by tree planting, forest management and teaching others to solve farming issues in a sustainable way
Local communities will plant and nourish trees in the Mount Cameroon Forest Region. They get the responsibility that the forest will stay in good condition. Worldwide, schools and individuals can ‘adopt’ a tree. By adopting a tree the contributor enables the communities to plant a tree and manage the forest in a sustainable way.

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