The international Day of Peace (also known as Peace Day) occurs across the globe and millions of people take part in this event. Peace is very important in our society today.  International Peace Day marks an agreement of all  mankind to foster a culture of peace and peace above all other considerations. This day of World Peace takes place every year on the 17th November. This day was dedicated by the Secretary General of the United Nations to Peace education, the key preventive means to reduce war sustainability. This day is also meant to raise awareness of society towards the purpose of peace and precisely the absence of war.

Peace makes people of different communities and socio economic groups live together in cohesion, thereby ensuring wellbeing of everyone.

Any form of growth without peace is impossible. For man to survive, peace must exist. Furthermore, it is essential for man to experience inner calm before spreading the idea to others.

A country that lives peacefully is likely to engage in conflicts resolution initiatives with other countries/communities, have positive growth and develop rapidly.

When there is peace amongst all, there is more scope for the country to progress and grow at a bigger and broader level, economically, socially and politically.

Fostering peace leads to leaving a good example behind for future generations. Human beings need peace to flourish. Keeping our minds at ease enables us to accomplish our life’s objectives.

Green Cameroon on this day wishes everyone a happy World Peace Day by educating the masses on the importance of peace. War is not encouraged and war can cause a lot of damage to the environment. However, environment helps to bring peace in our society.


Happy International World Peace Day!!













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